Augment Water
NO-DES Technology Could Augment Water Treatment Plants
New Jersey | 2015
The above NJAW NO-DES truck unit was designed with over sized filter vessels (two 24 round filter bag filter vessels, instead of the standard 12 round filter bag filter vessels); so it could be used to augment their Oak Gen Water Treatment Plant located in Famingdale, NJ during the hot summer months (when the plant couldn’t produce enough water to meet demand). During July and Aug of each year their NO-DES truck unit was parked next to their clarifier building and was used to augment filtering of the plants water to increase the daily production by over 1 MGD. This augmentation was only needed until the plant upgrades were completed (approx 5 years). Note: A large, well-known company was invited to participate in a run-off to determine the best technology (and costs) for the project – They brought in two giant RO units. NO-DES won!